Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who Knows How to Make Love Stay?

It was Tom Robbins in "Still Life With Woodpecker" that asked that serious question, "Who knows how to make love stay?".

Lots of people have tried to answer this question with little success, nor have I yet found the answer. But one way of solving any problem is to define and avoid all of the opposite possibilities. THAT is the objective of this blog post. It will be an evolving list of ways to make love die - sort of a map for the minefield of relationships. Leave comment if you think of some good ones.

1. Start each relationship with clear and rigid expectations.

2. Demand your love to be everything you can imagine.

3. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, instead of doing unto others as they would have you do unto them. It's an important distinction.

More to follow...